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Progettare il costruito strategie architettoniche per la città compatta

DANIMARCA - Copenaghen Update Ørestad Denmark Bikuben student dwellings (2003-2006),AART Architects

Dati progetto
Place: Njalsgade in Ørestad North in Copenhagen. Bikuben Student Residence is situated in the very center of Copenhagen at the entrance to Ørstad – the newest and largest coherent city development area in Copenhagen. Nearest neighbour is The University of Copenhagen.
Client: Bikubens Kollegiefond
Project year: 2003-2006
Total expense: Low cost project, 1.100 Euro/m2. At the time Bikuben Student Residence was build, it was the cheapest building in the Ørestad Development in Denmark – and cheaper than traditional social housing.
Built surface: Approximately 5.500m2 plus 1.500m2 terraces and 1.000m2 parking basement.
Appointment type: First prize in closed international competition
Project title: Bikuben Student Residence
Bikuben Student Residence is located in Ørestad – a big scale, urban development project with a view to create a new neighbourhood in southern Copenhagen, which will become the new geographic centre of the Øresund Region and a gateway to Copenhagen because of its exceptional traffic connections. The student residence is part of University of Copenhagen's Amager campus and consists of 107 studio flats on six floors, including a gym, a party room, a laundry room and several terraces.
The Bikuben Student Residence is designed to create the settings for student life and extends the possibility that unity can arise from a broad social network, as loneliness and lack of social relations are major problems for many students. To enhance the relationship among the residents Bikuben Student Residence has common kitchen and lounge areas on each floor.
The main shape of the building is clarified in its design and holds in it the fundamental idea of unity and equality. It has been the ambition to create a building with a strong and clear identity, with a direct connection to the contextual situation. The studio flats and the common rooms are thus connected in a double spiral that surrounds the illuminated courtyard at the centre of the cube-like building. The double spiral offers direct contact and visibility between common and private space and, at the same time, ensures each student’s privacy in his or her own studio flat.
The inner courtyard is a vibrant space, interacting with the common rooms and terraces linked to the building's exterior and the vertical circulation. Interaction is thus seen in various ways – for instance by moving through the building, making dinner in a kitchen or simply sitting in the lounge room and seeing across the inner courtyard. The variety of spaces and orientations of the common areas encapsulates the social vision behind Bikuben Student Residence by expanding the boundaries of every studio flat, basically filling all parts of the building volume, giving the social interface and every single student’s latitude, maximum priority.
Furthermore, local materials and pre-fabricated construction-, façade- and bathroom elements provide an environmentally and economically sustainable structure. In this way architecture and the sense of social responsibility intertwine and the building is captured by the context of the site and changes its conditions. As formulated by Copenhagen Culture Foundation when presenting Copenhagen Municipality Building Award 2007: “Bikuben Student Residence radiates the humane, the aesthetical and the formal and enriches the urban space. The building exists on its youthful expression and the distinct orange coloured darts create a clear identity.”