Scegli la Lingua

Festival dell'architettura




The Festival’s Bologna Day, a sort of epilogue of the thematic exploration addressed in the other Emilian cities involved in the programme, sees the return of the work-in-progress of the first year of the Spinner 2013 research, the opening sallies in a confrontation between graduate students, the scientific heads of the three regional universities, and some city administrators assumed as contexts of applied analysis. This first report, corroborated by several complementary contributions and prefiguring the future development of the research, is certainly however already in a position to raise some fundamental issues in relation to an alternative strategy of urban transformation and a general reconsideration of the methodological framework and regulatory environment until now taken on board by the project. The polycentric characterization of the urban regional situation, the prevailing dimension of the medium-sized city, the historical constants of human settlement, even in its most recent phenomenological aspects, constitute a laboratory where the analysis material suggests a possible systematic interpretation of the architecture of the city. A complex analytical process but directed towards the overall objective of defining a renewed structural setting to be made to re-emerge within the crisis of the urban body, both in terms of formal and functional physiology.


Sala dei Poeti, Università di Bologna

venersì 23 novembre